Are Rock Lights Legal in Florida?

Rock lights, also known as underglow lights, are a popular automotive accessory that add a vibrant glow to the underside of a vehicle. These lights can come in a variety of colors and are often used for aesthetic purposes. However, the legality of rock lights can vary from state to state, and many car owners in Florida are wondering whether they are allowed to use them on the roads.

It is important for car enthusiasts to be aware of the laws and regulations regarding the use of rock lights in Florida to avoid getting into trouble with the authorities.

Florida State Law on Rock Lights

According Florida statute 316.217, vehicles state prohibited displaying kind non-approved lighting visible front vehicle.

Color Legal?
White Legal
Amber Legal
Red, Blue, Green Illegal

Based on the Florida statute, it is clear that red, blue, and green rock lights are not permitted on vehicles in the state. However, white amber-colored lights generally allowed, long visible front vehicle.

Case Study: Rock Light Violation in Florida

In 2019, a Florida driver was pulled over and issued a citation for having blue underglow lights on their vehicle. The driver was unaware of the state law regarding rock lights and ended up paying a hefty fine for the violation. This case serves as a reminder to all car owners in Florida to be mindful of the regulations surrounding rock lights.

While rock lights can be a fun and visually appealing addition to a vehicle, it is crucial for car owners to understand the laws regarding their use in Florida. By adhering to the state statutes and only using permitted colors, drivers can avoid fines and legal trouble related to rock lights.

Legal Contract: Legality of Rock Lights in Florida

Rock lights on vehicles have gained popularity among car enthusiasts for their aesthetic appeal and increased visibility. However, their legality is a subject of debate and concern among Florida residents. This legal contract aims to clarify the legal status of rock lights in Florida and establish the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.


Parties Involved: Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Residents and Vehicle Owners in Florida
Effective Date: [Effective Date]

Whereas, Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (hereinafter referred “FDHSMV”) responsible enforcing vehicle equipment laws regulations state Florida; and

Whereas, Residents and Vehicle Owners in Florida (hereinafter referred “Owners”) subject laws regulations set forth FDHSMV;

Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

  1. Legality Rock Lights: FDHSMV acknowledges use rock lights vehicles Florida subject certain restrictions outlined Florida Statutes Administrative Code.
  2. Regulations Compliance: Owners required ensure installation use rock lights vehicles comply applicable laws regulations set forth FDHSMV. Any violation laws may result penalties fines.
  3. Enforcement Penalties: FDHSMV reserves right enforce laws regulations related use rock lights vehicles Florida. Owners found violation laws may subject citations, fines, and/or suspension vehicle registration.
  4. Indemnification: Owners agree indemnify hold harmless FDHSMV claims, damages, or liabilities arising installation use rock lights vehicles.
  5. Amendments Termination: This contract may amended terminated mutual agreement parties required changes applicable laws regulations.

This legal contract shall be governed by the laws of the state of Florida. Any disputes arising from or relating to this contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the laws of Florida.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the Effective Date first written above.

Rock Lights in Florida: Legal or Not?

Question Answer
1. Are Are Rock Lights Legal in Florida? Yes, rock lights legal Florida long visible certain angles emit certain colors. Florida law prohibits the use of any vehicle lighting that is red, blue, or flashing. Additionally, the lights must not be visible from 50 feet away.
2. Can I use rock lights while driving on public roads? No, it is illegal to use rock lights while driving on public roads in Florida. They allowed off-road use display vehicle parked.
3. Do I need to have my rock lights installed by a professional to ensure their legality? While it is not required by law to have your rock lights installed by a professional, it is recommended to ensure they comply with all legal requirements. A professional help position lights visible prohibited angles advise appropriate colors use.
4. Are there any specific restrictions on the brightness of rock lights in Florida? Florida law does not have specific regulations on the brightness of rock lights. However, it is important to use common sense and not use lights that could blind or distract other drivers.
5. Can I get pulled over for having illegal rock lights? Yes, law enforcement officers can pull you over if they believe your rock lights are illegal. If found violation law, could cited fined.
6. Are there any exceptions for emergency or utility vehicles? Yes, emergency and utility vehicles are exempt from the restrictions on the use of certain colored lights. However, still must ensure lights visible certain angles flash.
7. What should I do if I receive a ticket for illegal rock lights? If you receive a ticket for illegal rock lights, you should consult with a traffic attorney to understand your options. You may be able to contest the ticket or seek a reduction in the fine.
8. Can I have rock lights on my motorcycle in Florida? Yes, rock lights allowed motorcycles Florida long comply regulations those vehicles. They must not be visible from certain angles and cannot emit prohibited colors.
9. Are there any local ordinances that further restrict the use of rock lights? Yes, some local jurisdictions in Florida may have their own ordinances regarding the use of rock lights. It is important to check the specific regulations in your area to ensure compliance.
10. Can I use wireless remote-controlled rock lights in Florida? Yes, you can use wireless remote-controlled rock lights in Florida as long as they comply with all the applicable regulations. However, be mindful of using them responsibly and not causing distractions to other drivers.